The linked PDF contains important dates for the 2024-25 season. Please provide copies to your team's students, coaches and parents: 2025 Season Calendar
Q & A Report—FINAL VERSION, updated 1/15/2025
2025 Rules — Rules of Competition and Evidence
2025 Case: Dillard v. Farnsworth - FINAL VERSION updated 1/15/2025
Coaches' Manual—All coaches should read the Manual. It includes explanations of rules and policies, including information about the 2025 competition season.
Instructions for Timekeepers—For in-person timekeeping. Includes the time card cheat sheet.
Time Sheet—One per Round per team
Time card template—Printed on yellow paper/cardstock.
Please see Rules 7(j), 17 and 18 for a complete understanding of the roles and duties of the timekeepers.
Region Assignments as of January 27th—This list reflects each team's assignment. A few teams may need to switch regions to avoid the need for byes or if teams withdraw from the competition.
Tabroom registration instructions —To register your team(s) in -- NOTE: This process must be completed not later than January 24th!
Blank scoresheet and comment sheet—These are the printed versions of the scoresheets and comment sheets judging panel members typically use at competition.
Explanation of Performance Ratings—This is the guidance given evaluators on what the score numbers should mean.
Criteria for Scoring a Trial Presentation—This is the guidance given to evaluators on what to look for in each portion of the trial.
Supplemental Attorney Coach Form (used to add/delete changes to Attorney Coach roster made after initial registration)
Code of Ethical Conduct language to review with team
Trial Roster Forms
—PDFs to fill out: Plaintiff Trial Roster| Defense Trial Roster
Teams need at least 11 copies of each side's roster for the Regional Competition.
Time Sheet—One per Round per team
Inside the Bar Dispute Form—must be supplied by teams for Dispute to be considered.
Outstanding Coach Nomination—Nominate an attorney or teacher coach from your team to be recognized for their years of hard work and dedication.
Attorney Coach CLE Form—Due Apr. 15, 2025
Midtown Tournament—This tournament is sponsored and operated by the Midtown High School Mock Trial program and is not affiliated with the Georgia High School Mock Trial Competition. Teams competing at State Finals may not participate.
Student Certificate Template—Use this PDF to position names on the Certificate if you want to print the names.