Vendor Directory

In order to help members easily locate vendors providing legal services and goods, the Bar has compiled the following categorical list. It is not intended to be inclusive or a recommendation of any vendor. Members are advised to use their own due diligence prior to using the services of these or any other vendors.

If you are interested in being listed as a vendor, click here for more information. 24/7 Bilingual Receptionists for Calls, Chats, and Messages

Aug 8, 2024, 11:56
Title : 24/7 Bilingual Receptionists for Calls, Chats, and Messages
Address : Company Headquarters
City : Los Altos
Company phone number : 650-727-6484
Contact person : 650-727-6484
Contact email : is a superior 24/7 virtual receptionist service for law practices of all sizes, from solo attorneys to large firms. Our North America-based receptionists handle calls, chats, and messages; provide bilingual answering; screen and intake new clients; schedule appointments; and make outbound calls to leads who complete your online forms, ensuring instant follow-up with new potential clients. With integrations, including Clio, MyCase, PracticePanther, LawPay, and Calendly, plus thousands more through Zapier, conversations are synced with your systems in real-time. Plans start at $255/month for virtual receptionists and include free spam blocking, plus a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee. Live chat plans start at $0/month with simple per-chat ($10/chat) pricing, or $140/month for bundled chat pricing ($5-7/chat).
State Bar of Georgia members get $100 off their first month of calls and chats with code GABAR100, 5% off bundled services, and 10% off annual plans paid upfront. Learn more and sign up at
State :
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