This standing committee, which shall include the State Bar Treasurer, State Bar President-elect, and YLD President-elect as ex-officio members, shall be appointed and organized by the President-elect within the six (6) months immediately preceding the Annual Meeting of the State Bar so as to facilitate the preparation of a budget of estimated receipts and disbursements for the approaching fiscal year, which said budget with appropriate recommendations the committee shall cause to be submitted to the meeting of the Board of Governors held either during or immediately after the Annual Meeting for appropriate consideration and approval. The committee also shall be responsible for monitoring the finances of the State Bar throughout each Bar year to ensure that all State Bar funds are being received, held and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the budget approved by the Board of Governors. In the event this committee feels that developments during any Bar year dictate, it shall have the duty and responsibility for initiating consideration of proposed budget amendments to the Executive Committee, and in turn to the Board of Governors for action.
Committee Members