Fifty-two sections provide service to the legal profession and public. A conduit for information in particular areas of law, sections provide newsletters, programs and the chance to exchange ideas with other practitioners.

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    Taxation Law

    Jul 18, 2024, 05:08
    Title : Taxation Law
    Section ID : TAXAT20
    The Taxation Law Section actively pursues the continuing education of the members of the State Bar in the field of federal and state taxation; maintains liaison with the Internal Revenue Service, the State Department of Revenue and the Georgia State University Tax Clinic; monitors state legislation affecting taxation; and makes recommendations concerning legislative and administrative rules.
    Dues: $20/yr
    Section Year:  June to June (one year term)
    Click on a name below to go to that member's listing in the online directory.
    Chair-Elect: DiAndria Green 
    Vice Chair: Ed Rappaport
    Secretary: Lauren Heron
    Treasurer: Alexus Holton
    Member-at-Large: Nicholas Lyskin
    Immediate Past Chair: Alla Raykin