Fifty-two sections provide service to the legal profession and public. A conduit for information in particular areas of law, sections provide newsletters, programs and the chance to exchange ideas with other practitioners.

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    Entertainment & Sports Law

    Jul 18, 2024, 05:08
    Title : Entertainment & Sports Law
    Section ID : ENTER25
    The Entertainment & Sports Law Section is unique in both its membership and its goals. Its goals are to educate and promote networking among Section members and guests. Varied programs include a monthly luncheon lecture series with CLE credits as well as local and international seminars. The Florida and Tennessee Bars have joined forces with the Section to provide an international seminar. Members, as well as the Bar at large, enjoy learning and socializing in a relaxed atmosphere.
    Dues: $25/yr
    Section Year: June to June (two-year term)
    Click on a name below to go to that member's listing in the online directory.
    Vice-Chair - Entertainment: Chelsea Mitchell 
    Vice-Chair - Sports: Whitnie Riden
    Secretary: Ashlee Rouse
    Member-At-Large - Sports: Donovan Potter
    Member-At-Large - Entertainment: Brianna Smith
    Immediate Past Chair: John Seay