Frequently Asked Questions

How does a Beginning Lawyer certify to the TILPP Director that they have completed TILPP satisfactorily?

TILPP consists of two components: (1) Mentoring; and (2) CLE. Beginning Lawyers receive written confirmation from the TILPP Director upon successful completion of both components.

To Complete CLE: Complete 12 CLE hours, inclusive of the mandatory Beginning Lawyers Program. Attendance is automatically reported to TILPP if you attend CLE seminars sponsored by TILPP and/or facilitated by ICLE. For CLE events facilitated by other CLE providers, Beginning Lawyers must ensure that the CLE provider forwards proof of attendance to the State Bar of Georgia CLE department.

Remember, all attorneys can check their CLE status online by logging onto the State Bar of Georgia website.

To Complete Inside or Outside Mentoring: Submit the Completed Mentoring Plan and Mentoring Completion Certificate signed by your Mentor upon completion of your mentoring plan. The proposed Mentoring Plan, Mentor Volunteer Form, Compliance Checklist and Continuing Legal Education Agreement (if Outside Mentoring) should be submitted within 90 days of admission to practice.

To Complete Group Mentoring: Submit the completed MAE form (within 90 days of admission) and attend 2 Group Mentoring seminars.

Category: TILPP