Frequently Asked Questions

At a minimum, the Mentoring Plan must include the following key elements:

Regular contact and meetings between the Mentor and Beginning Lawyer.

Continuing discussions between the Mentor and Beginning Lawyer on at least the following topics:

  • Ethics and professionalism.
  • Relationships with clients, other lawyers (both in and outside the firm), the judiciary and the public, including unrepresented parties.
  • Professional work habits, organizational skills and practice management.
  • Economics of practicing law in the relevant practice setting.
  • Responsibility and opportunities for pro bono work, bar activities, and community service.

Introduction to the local legal community.

Specific planning for professional development and continuing legal education in and outside the firm, company or organization.

Emotional Intelligence—financial awareness, managing stress and wellness tools.

Periodic evaluation of the Mentor-Beginning Lawyer relationship.

Category: TILPP