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Kindall E. Browning

Jul 22, 2024, 10:32
Title : Kindall E. Browning
First name : Kindall
Last name : Browning
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Through participating and being a leader in the YLD over the last five years, I have grown not only as a lawyer but as a person. My time as co-chair of the Leadership Academy has given me the opportunity to see just how important participation in the YLD can be for young lawyers. As YLD secretary, I will continue to encourage young lawyers to participate in Bar activities and do my best to make every YLD event an environment that fosters positive interactions and creates development opportunities. I will continue to make an effort to reach out to young lawyers in government practice, small firms, and areas outside of Atlanta.

The YLD has given me so much, including lifelong friends and access to opportunities and resources that I would not have had otherwise. As YLD secretary, I will do my best to ensure that every young lawyer has the opportunity to benefit from the YLD as I have and give back to this organization which has meant so much to me.

About the Candidate


  • Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana—2012
  • Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law, Macon, Georgia—2015


  • Kindall lives in Eastman, Georgia, with her husband, Tyler, and their myriad of animals.
  • Kindall enjoys reading, gardening, and painting.

Professional Background, Bar Activities, Civic Activities

  • Kindall is a Senior Assistant Public Defender in Houston County, Georgia.
  • Kindall has dedicated her law practice to assisting the indigent. Kindall has worked at Georgia Legal Services and the Public Defender’s Office in Houston County.
  • Kindall has been active in the YLD since 2019. She was a 2019 graduate of the YLD Leadership Academy. She has been a co-chair of the Leadership Academy and on the Board of Directors of the YLD since 2021. Kindall is currently the Treasurer of the Houston County Bar Association and was president of the Houston County YLD in 2019.
  • Kindall has been an author and editor of What’s the Decision for the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers since 2018. In 2023, she received GACDL’s President’s Award. She has received awards from the State Bar YLD for Service to the Bar and Service to the Public.
  • Kindall is active in her local community by participating in volunteer activities and being an officer for the Houston County Domestic Violence Prevention Taskforce.

Main Issues Facing the State Bar/Position

  • The main issue that I think is important to the position of YLD Secretary is finding a way to get new lawyers involved in the State Bar. The class of lawyers who passed the bar in October 2023 started law school at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their experience in law school and taking the bar exam has been unique in that they spent a lot of that time isolated from their classmates and the legal profession. As YLD Secretary, I would do my best to promote participation from new lawyers by finding ways to recognize the work they do in their local communities and making sure that Bar functions are affordable and engaging for young lawyers.
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