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Congratulations to Judge Hamrick on appointment to Statewide Business Court

Aug 8, 2022, 00:00 by Sarah B. ~~Sally~~ Akins

Daily Report
, Carrollton

To the Editor:

The State Bar of Georgia congratulates Coweta Judicial Circuit Superior Court Judge William H. “Bill” Hamrick III on his appointment by Gov. Brian Kemp to serve as judge of the Statewide Business Court, which specializes in the adjudication of complex commercial cases.

Judge Hamrick will be well served by his 30 years of experience in the legal profession and justice system, including the past 10 years as a Superior Court judge. He also has experience as a corporate attorney and as a member of the Georgia State Senate, where he served as chair of the Judiciary, Banking & Financial Institutions and Higher Education committees.

Through his acceptance of this appointment, Judge Hamrick demonstrates his continued commitment to serving the public and the justice system. We wish him well in this new position of statewide judicial leadership.

Sarah B. “Sally” Akins
President, State Bar of Georgia

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